Recall: Air Damper Systems Repaired by Chim-A-Lator

November 6, 1979  
Release # 79-063

Repair Program Set For Energy Saving Device

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Nov.6)-- The Chim-A-Lator Company, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, has announced a voluntary program to modify approximately 15,000 air damper systems for fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. The announcement was made in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Excessively hot chimney temperatures could cause the air damper to close unexpectedly and force smoke or flames back into the room. According to the company, such a heat build-up is caused primarily by overfueling fireplaces, burning dangerous materials, or failing to have the chimney cleaned.

Since 1977, the firm has received a report of one minor burn injury, which occurred when the damper closed accidentally.

The damper systems, which have been manufactured since 1969, are marketed as energy-saving devices to reduce heat loss from air drawn up fireplace and stove chimneys when not in use.

The company is offering a device, which consumers can install themselves, which will ensure that the damper maintains an adequate opening even in extreme temperatures.

Consumers can obtain this free device by writing to the Chim- A-Lator Company, 8824 Wentworth Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55420, telephone: 612/884-7274. The devices will be available after December 1, but consumers should write to the company immediately.