Recall: Philips Consumer Electronics Recalls Plasma Flat Panel Televisions

March 16, 2006
Alert #06-536

Philips Consumer Electronics Recalls Plasma Flat Panel Televisions

The following product safety recall was voluntarily conducted by the firm in cooperation with the CPSC. Consumers should stop using the Ambilight feature immediately unless otherwise instructed.

Name of Product: Plasma Flat Panel Televisions with Ambilight Feature

Units: About 11,800

Manufacturer: Philips Consumer Electronics North America, of Atlanta, Ga.

Hazard: Arcing by capacitors inside the left and right side of the back cabinets of these TVs can pose a safety risk.

Incidents/Injuries: Philips has received nine reports of arcing by the capacitors. The results of such incidents were contained within the TVs due to the use of flame retardant materials resulting only in damage to the TV. There have been no injuries reported.

Description: The recall involves only certain 42 and 50 inch, 2005 model Philips branded Plasma Flat Panel Televisions with Ambilight technology, which is an ambient lighting feature that projects a soft light onto the wall behind the TV to enhance the display. They were manufactured with the following model, date codes, and serial numbers:

Model Display Type Production Began Production Ended Beginning Serial Range Ending Serial Range
42PF9630A/37 Plasma April 2005 July 2005 AG1A0518xxxxxx AG1A0528xxxxxx
50PF9630A/37 Plasma May 2005 August 2005 AG1A0519xxxxxx AG1A0533xxxxxx
50PF9630A/37 Plasma June 2005 August 2005 YA1A0523xxxxxx YA1A0534xxxxxx
50PF9830A/37 Plasma June 2005 August 2005 AG1A0526xxxxxx AG1A0533xxxxxx

The model and serial numbers can be found on the back of the TV on the label that looks like the example below:

Image of Label found on Recalled TV

The serial number can also be obtained by pushing the following keystrokes on the remote control: 123654, after which a customer service menu ("CSM") will be displayed on the screen. In the menu, line 03 displays the type number and line 04 displays the production code (identical to the serial number of the set). Press the MENU button on the remote to exit the CSM.

Sold at: Consumer electronic stores nationwide from June 2005 through January 2006 for between $3,000 and $5,000.

Manufactured In: Belgium (AG) and Mexico (YA)

Remedy: Consumers should immediately turn off the Ambilight feature (see instructions below) and contact Philips for instructions on how to receive free in-home service to have their TV repaired for free.

Consumer Contact: For more information, contact Philips at (888) PHILIPS [888-744-5477] anytime. When you call this number, an automated voice attendant will ask you to say or enter a "Priority PIN number." Please enter the numbers "4445" and you will be put in contact with a Philips representative who will assist you. Consumers also can go to the firm's Web site at, or write to Philips' at V.P. Service, Philips Consumer Electronics North America, 64 Perimeter Center East, Atlanta, GA 30346

Instructions for Turning Off Ambilight Feature on Recalled TV

Picture of Recalled TV