Recall: Greensboro Stops Sale Children's Sleepwear
April 22, 1976 | |
Release # 76-027 | |
CPSC Accepts Provisional Consent Agreement With Greensboro, N.C., Textile Firm
WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 22) -- The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission today announced it has accepted a provisional consent agreement that prohibits Greensboro Manufacturing Company from marketing children's sleepwear that fails to meet the standards of the Flammable Fabrics Act.
Greensboro Manufacturing Company of 1900 E. Bessemer Street, Greensboro, North Carolina, is a subsidiary of GENESCO, Inc., of Nashville, Tennessee. According to the consent agreement the North Carolina manufacturer shipped to one of its customers children's sleepwear items that had flammability labels attached in inconspicuous places. Greensboro recalled the garments involved, style 1915, and the returned garments were replaced or credit given to the retailer.
The sleepwear items were girls' gowns, size 0-6X, manufactured between July 29, 1972, and July 28, 1973, and retailed for about $2 each.
At the time the enforcement proceeding began, a standard (DOC FF 3-71) under the Flammable Fabrics Act established a desired level of flame resistance and items that did not meet the goal required cautionary labels readily visible to warn consumers that products may be flammable.
A consent agreement does not constitute an admission that the company has violated a law, but it provides for a settlement. Any violation of the consent agreement by the Company or its controlling officer could result in the assessment of substantial civil penalties.
The complaint and consent order will be available for review for 60 days through June 21, 1976, during which time any interested person may submit comments to the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207.
After considering any comments, the Commission may accept the agreement or withdraw its provisional acceptance.
For additional information about the order, contact the Bureau of Compliance, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207.