Recall: SalesOne Recalls Light Up Ear Plug Jewelry Due to Burn Hazard; Sold Exclusively at Spencer Gifts
Description: This recall involves ear plug jewelry that is designed to be inserted into a pierced ear lobe and used to stretch the piercing in the ear lobe. The ear plug jewelry contains a coin-cell battery that lights up a decorative pattern. The ear plugs have a diamond logo on the front and come in the colors black/white and black/red. They were sold in sizes 00, 0, 1/2, 5/8, 7/16 and 9/16.
Name of product: Light up ear plug jewelry
Units: About 8,400
Hazard: Battery acid can leak from ear plug jewelry's battery, posing a burn hazard to consumers.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop wearing the recalled ear plug jewelry and contact SalesOne for a full refund or replacement ear plug that does not contain a battery and does not light up.
Recall date: November 24, 2015
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 13 reports of burn injuries to consumers when battery acid leaked out of the ear plug jewelry.
Sold At: Spencer Gifts stores nationwide from November 2014 through February 2015 for about $20.
Importers: SalesOne International, of Norwalk, Conn.
Manufactured in: China
Consumer contact: SalesOne toll-free at 866-507-2537 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or online at and click on "SalesOne Recalls" at the top of the homepage for more information.
Recall number: 16-045