Recall: AC Adapters for Armada 4100 Notebook Computers Recalled
December 5, 1996 | (301) 504-7908 |
Release # 97-037 | |
CPSC and Compaq Computer Announce Recall of AC Adapters for Armada 4100 Notebook Computers
WASHINGTON, D.C. - In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Compaq Computer Corp. of Houston, Texas, is voluntarily recalling worldwide certain AC adapters for Armada 4100 notebook computers. In the U.S., the recall involves approximately 30,000 adapters. These AC adapters could have a defective connector pin presenting a shock hazard. The connector pins connect the AC adapter to the power cord which plugs into an outlet.CPSC and Compaq Computer Corp. are not aware of any injuries involving these AC adapters. This recall is being conducted to prevent the possibility of injury.

Only AC adapters with both three hollow pins in the recessed male connector and part number 217984-001 on the bar code label are included in this recall. Adapters with the same part number, but with solid pins, are not included in this recall. The label with the part number is imprinted on the bottom of the adapters. The adapters are black and measure approximately 2 by 4 ½ inches. The recalled AC adapters were supplied with Compaq's Armada 4100 notebook computers and associated convenience bases or shipped as options or spare parts to commercial dealers. The adapters were sold worldwide from September 23, 1996 through November 20, 1996 through commercial dealers to end users or directly by Compaq to end users. The Armada 4100 notebook computer itself is not included in this recall.
Consumers should unplug and stop using the recalled AC adapters immediately. For information on how to receive a free replacement AC adapter, consumers can contact Compaq Computer Corp. TOLL-FREE at 1 (800) 322-9515 or, and through Compaq forums on on-line services.