Recall: Vincent Castelli Stops Sale Carpets
April 29, 1976 | |
Release # 76-028 | |
CPSC Provisionally Accepts Consent Agreement With Vincent Castelli And Co., Inc. Addison, Ill.
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Apr. 29 ) -- The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission announced today it has provisionally accepted a consent agreement prohibiting Vincent Castelli and Co., Inc., Addison, Illinois, and Vincent Castelli as an individual from selling carpets that fail to meet the standards of the Flammable Fabrics Act.
The provisional consent agreement also prohibits the Corporation and Castelli from furnishing any flammability guaranty unless they have received in good faith a guaranty from the supplier based on "reasonable and representative tests" as required under Section 8 (b) of the Flammable Fabrics Act.
Vincent Castelli and Co., Inc., has been functioning as a broker- distributor since 1973 when Vincent Castelli, then president of Fabri-Form, Inc., Addison, Illinois, (also a broker-distributor) set up his own corporation. While still with Fabri-Form, Inc., Castelli furnished a written guaranty to Montgomery Ward, Chicago, Illinois, that style "Galveston Bay" carpets manufactured by Continental Industries, Inc., conformed to Federal flammability standards without having received "in good faith" any such guaranty from Continental. In 1974 without a guaranty from either manufacturer, Castelli furnished written guaranties to Montgomery Ward that fringed oval carpets manufactured by Genuine Carpet and Rug, Inc., and "2342 Series Waffle Back Rug" manufactured by Whitecliff Corporation without reasonable and representative tests being performed on the carpet.
Under the terms of this provisional consent agreement, Castelli agrees that in the future if he provides a written guarantee of product compliance with Federal regulations "reasonable and representative tests specified by the Flammable Fabrics Act" must be conducted prior to the sale. No recall is mandated by this provisional consent agreement.
This agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by the company that it has violated the law. Any violation of this consent agreement by Vincent Castelli and Co., Inc., could result in the assessment of substantial civil penalties.
The complaint and consent order will remain on the public record for 60 days through June 28, 1976 , during which time any interested person may submit comments to the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207.
After considering any comments, the Commission may accept the agreement or withdraw its provisional acceptance.
For additional information about this consent order, contact the Bureau of Compliance, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207.