Recall: Wooden Armadillos Recalled by Colbert Collection


CONTACT: Ken Giles

May 6, 1994

(301) 504-7052

Release # 94-067


Colbert Collection Recalls Wooden Armadillos Due To Lead Paint Hazards

PRODUCT: Approximately 5,000 "Wooden Armadillos" imported by Colbert Collection and sold nationwide at gift shops and household accessory stores from January 1990 through December 1993. The armadillos are designed to resemble Texas's armadillo symbol. The body of the armadillo is made from a gourd; its four legs, tail, and moveable head are made of wood. The armadillo is available in various sizes. The label underneath the armadillo reads: "HECHO EN MEXICO (MADE IN MEXICO)."

PROBLEM: The armadillos' paint (green, red, and purple) contains excess lead.

WHAT TO DO: Consumers should take the armadillos away from young children and return the armadillos to place of purchase for a refund. Consumers who have questions may contact Colbert Collection at (203) 379-9289.

WASHINGTON, DC -- In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Colbert Collection, New Hartford, CT is voluntarily recalling 5,000 "Wooden Armadillos." The armadillos' paint (green, red, and purple) contains excess lead.

The armadillos are designed to resemble Texas's armadillo symbol. The body of the armadillo is made from a gourd; its four legs, tail, and moveable head are made of wood. The armadillo is available in various sizes. The label underneath the armadillo reads: "HECHO EN MEXICO (MADE IN MEXICO)."

The armadillos were sold nationwide at gift shops and household accessory stores from January 1990 through December 1993. The armadillos sold from $7.50 for the smallest up to $18.00 for the largest. Colbert did not intend for the armadillos to be used as toys for young children. However, young children may have been given them as gifts. Therefore, consumers should take them away from young children and return the armadillos to the stores where purchased for a refund. Consumers who have questions may contact Colbert Collection at (203) 379-9289.

While no incidents of illness or injuries have been reported, the company decided to recall the products promptly to prevent such a possibility. The armadillos were identified by the Texas Department of Health.

CPSC is the Federal agency responsible for consumer product safety. Some 15,000 different types of consumer products fall within CPSC's jurisdiction. Public Affairs