Recall: Meijer Recalls Halloween Projector Flashlight Due to Burn Hazard
Description: This recall involves a Signature Designs Halloween image projector. The projector is a flashlight with cap that holds special lenses to project messages and images onto a wall or other surfaces. The flashlight handle is black with the word Halloween and pictures of a skull and a jack o' lantern printed in white. The handle is about 7 inches long and holds two size C batteries. The cap is orange and is about 3 inches high and about 2 inches in diameter. The projector comes with three lenses: an orange lens with a black jack o' lantern, a yellow lens with a black bat and a purple lens with the words "Trick or Treat" in black. A clear label with "Signature Designs (HK) Ltd, Ningbo, China, 14-121-02, 05/2014" printed in white is on the side of the handle opposite the orange on/off switch.
Name of product: Flashlight
Units: About 8,600
Hazard: The flashlight can overheat and melt the plastic handle, posing a burn risk to the user.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the flashlight, remove the batteries and return it to the customer service desk at any Meijer store or contact Meijer for a full refund.
Recall date: October 28, 2014
Incidents/Injuries: Meijer has received one report of a flashlight overheating and the plastic handle melting. No injuries have been reported.
Sold At: Meijer stores from September 2014 to October 2014 for about $3.
Importers: Meijer Distribution Inc., of Grand Rapids, Mich.
Manufactured in: China
Consumer contact: Meijer at (800) 927-8699 anytime or online at and click on Product Recalls at the bottom of the page for more information.
Recall number: 15-011