Recall: U.S. Seeks To Stop Garbage Hauler From Distributing Hazardous Refuse Bins
July 1, 1986 | |
Release # 86-41 |
U.S. Seeks To Stop Garbage Hauler From Distributing Hazardous Refuse Bins
The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced today that Robert W. Merkle, United States Attorney for the Middle District of Florida, has filed a lawsuit against ABC Disposal, Inc., a refuse hauling company in Port Richey, Florida. The lawsuit alleges that ABC has been leasing banned unstable refuse bins of the type that have tipped over, crushing and killing children. The government is seeking an order directing ABC to remove these dangerous bins from public places, and to pay a penalty for the firm's continued distri- bution of banned refuse bins despite repeated warnings from the Commission.In 1977, the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a ban to address the risk of tip-over of large unstable metal refuse bins that resulted in the death of children climbing or hanging on the bins. The federal ban outlaws metal bins with a volume of more than one cubic yard if they tip over during testing. The Commission test, designed to simulate the climbing and hanging activities of children, requires that bins sustain a horizontal force of 70 pounds and a vertical force of 191 pounds.
Before the ban went into effect in 1978, the Consumer Product Safety Commission learned of 32 incidents of refuse bin tip-over, involving 33 children. Thirteen children had died from being crushed by unstable refuse bins. Since the ban went into effect, the Commission has investigated an additional 31 incidents, involving 33 children. Nine more children have died.