Recall: Juice Tiger Recall Program by National Media Corp.
Note: Firm can no longer be contacted. Please destroy or discard the product.
CONTACT: Media Relations |
Originally issued March 26, 1996, Revised June 28, 2004 |
(301) 504-7908 |
Release # 96-086 |
CPSC, National Media Corporation Announced Juice Tiger Recall Program
WASHINGTON, D.C. -In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), National Media Corporation, of Philadelphia, Pa., announced an inspection and parts replacement program for 77,000 JUICE TIGER electric juicers. The plastic cover and wire mesh grater/filter basket may crack or shatter if the basket is not placed in the juicer properly, possibly injuring people nearby. CPSC and National Media Corporation are aware of 14 incidents resulting in at least eight lacerations to the hands, face, arms, and chest and one permanent eye injury.
The consumer safety program involves JUICE TIGER juicers with model numbers 204-SP and JE-1000 marked on the underside of the base. These juicers were sold directly through television infomercials from November 1991 through October 1993 at prices ranging from $100 to $150. The white plastic juicers are clearly marked with the JUICE TIGER logo, which is prominently displayed on the unit.
The consumer safety program does not apply to JUICE TIGER model 160 or those with "Made in France" on the underside of the base or JUICE TIGER juicers sold in retail stores and other nontelevision channels of distribution. National Media sold a total of approximately 600,000 JUICE TIGER juicers between November 1991 and October 1993.
Consumers should immediately check their unit for damaged parts. If cracks, scratches, or other signs of wear are present, consumers should stop using the juicer and discard or destroy it. The firm cannot be contacted and no further remedy is available.