Recalls: Baby Walkers and Jumpers
The recalled walkers were sold for babies 6 months and older. The walkers were sold in the following colors: pink, red, green, blue, and ivory. The walkers have an activity tray with a steering wheel and other toys. “My Way Corp” is printed on a sticker on the front of the walker. Read more.
The recalled walkers have eight wheels and are sold in various colors including dark blue, pink and white, or pink and red. The activity trays on the baby walkers have a steering wheel, various rattles and a mirror or animal themes. The trays play music when the baby pushes a button. "Baby" is printed on a sticker on the tray or the walker's base. Read more.
The recalled walkers are intended for babies 6 months and older. The walkers are blue, green, pink and yellow. They have musical activity trays with various toys and themes including rockets and a tank with an army print cloth seat, lights and a steering wheel with a teddy bear cloth seat, and a monkey's face with a teddy bear seat cloth. "Baby" and "BEBELOVE" are printed on labels on some of the walkers. Read more.
The recalled walkers have eight wheels and an activity tray with interactive toys. The walkers are blue and pink with various designs on the cloth seat. "Imported by Ace Han Corp" is printed on labels located on the base of the walkers. Read more.
The Bounce Bounce Baby! Door Jumper has model number 6753 written on a white warning label on the seat. The jumper has a blue canvas seat with a sun, star and bee design print, blue straps, and a blue plastic clamp that attaches to an interior door frame. The name "Kids II" is printed on the plastic housing that contains the clamp. Model 67531 Door Jumpers that have a metal clamp are not included in this recall. Read more.
The recalled wooden Walker Wagon has a push handle and removable wooden stake sides. It is 22-inches long, 12-inches wide and 16 ½-inches high at the top of the handle. The Walker Wagon body is red and has the name “Radio Flyer” in white lettering on each side. The recalled Walker Wagons have black plastic clickers that make a clicking sound when the plastic wheels turn. The clickers are located between the rear wheels and the wagon. The Walker Wagon is intended for children 1 to 4 years old. The Walker Wagons with clear plastic clickers are not included in this recall. Read more.
The recalled baby jumpers have a blue canvas seat, yellow straps, and a blue plastic clamp that attaches to an interior door frame. The recalled unit is the Bright Starts Jammin' Jumper with model number 6607, which can be found on a white warning label on the canvas seat. The words "Bright Starts" are printed on the plastic housing that contains the clamp. The jumper was sold with a play mat that makes sounds when the child jumps on it. Read more.