Recall: Eyes And Nose Are Choking-Hazards On Koala Bear Fur Banks



February 23, 1989


Release # 89-015




Eyes And Nose Are Choking-Hazards On Koala Bear Fur Banks

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Koala Bear Fur Banks, distributed at carnivals and fairs in the northeastern United States during the summer of 1988, have small parts which may present serious choking hazards to young children. The yellow plastic eyes and black plastic noses of the bears can be pulled oft and may be ingested or choked on. The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the distributor, ACE Novelty Company, Bellevue, Washington advise consumers to: 1) destroy the banks, or 2) remove and destroy both the eyes and the nose.

The novelty banks are six inch tall koala bears covered with black, brown, grey or green fur and are molded in a sitting position. On the chest is a paper label which reads: "I AM A BANK." A coin slot is hidden in the fur on the back of the bear's head.

The Koala Fur Banks, imported from Korea, were identified by U.S. Customs Service at the Port of Seattle, Washington during "Operation Toyland,11 a joint surveillance program conducted with CPSC.