Recalls: High-Powered Magnets

December 19, 2024 Magnetic Building Sticks Sets Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of Federal Regulations for Toy Magnets; Sold Exclusively on by Elongdi

This recall involves multicolored magnetic building sticks sets with 130 pieces with 100 magnetic sticks and are plastic and metal. The sets are sold in a box with the "Elongdi" logo and the words "Magnetic Sticks" on the front and back of the box. The set includes 30 steel balls. The item number is E107. Read more.

June 13, 2024 Magnetic Chess Games Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of Federal Regulations for Toy Magnets; Sold Exclusively on through Outad Good Life

This recall involves magnetic chess games with 20 magnet stones that are small, spherical, loose, and separable with a strong magnetic flux. The games are sold in a blue box with the words "Magnetic", "Magnetism", or "Magnetism Intelligence Strategy Game" on the front of the box. The game includes about 20 loose magnets, a string, a plastic storage tray with sponge lining, and instructions for play. Read more.

March 28, 2024 Stateside Bead Supply Recalls High-Powered Magnetic Beads Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of the Federal Safety Regulation for Magnets

This recall involves 5mm Magnetic Beads HIGH POWER AAA Grade, which are small, spherical, loose and separable magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The recalled Magnetic Beads HIGH POWER 5mm AAA Grade were sold as a strand in a clear, plastic bag. Stateside Bead Supply is printed on a label on the clear plastic bag packaging. The magnetic beads are gun metal gray in color. Read more.

March 7, 2024 Getallfun Recalls High-Powered Magnetic Ball Sets Due to Ingestion Hazard; Failure to Meet Federal Safety Regulation for Toy Magnet Sets

This recall involves 5mm Magnetic Balls which are small, spherical, loose, and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm diameter magnets are sold in a set of 216 magnetic balls in various colors and encased in a clear, plastic case and a portable tin storage box. Read more.

March 7, 2024 High-Powered Magnetic Ball Sets Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of the Federal Safety Regulation for Toy Magnet Sets; Sold Exclusively on through Joybuy

This recall involves 5mm (.2 inch) magnetic balls which are small, spherical, loose and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm-diameter magnets are sold in a set of 226 multi-colored magnetic balls encased in a clear, plastic case and a portable, tin storage box. The set includes a black storage bag. Read more.

February 1, 2024 DailySale Recalls High-Powered Magnetic Balls Due to Ingestion Hazard; Violation of the Federal Safety Regulation for Toy Magnet Sets

This recall involves 216-piece 5mm Magnetic DIY Balls Magic Cubes which are small, spherical, loose and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm-diameter magnets are sold in a set of colored magnetic balls. The recalled Magnetic Balls Magic Cubes were sold encased in a clear, plastic case and a tin storage box. Read more.

December 28, 2023 High-Powered Magnetic Balls Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard; Sold Exclusively on through Joybuy

This recall involves 5mm magnetic balls which are small, spherical, loose and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm diameter magnets are sold in a set of 216 multi-colored magnetic balls. The recalled Relax Magnetic Balls were sold encased in a clear, plastic case and a portable, tin storage box. The set includes a black storage bag. Read more.

December 7, 2023 XpressGoods Recalls High-Powered Magnetic Balls Due to Ingestion Hazard; Failure to Meet Federal Safety Regulation for Toy Magnet Sets

This recall involves 5mm Neodymium Magnetic Balls which are small, spherical, loose, and separable neodymium rare-earth magnets with a strong magnetic flux. The 5mm diameter magnets are sold in a set of multi-colored magnetic balls. The recalled Neodymium Magic Magnetic Balls were sold encased in a clear, plastic case and a tin storage box. Read more.

October 19, 2023 Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway Troublesome Truck & Crates and Troublesome Truck & Paint Recalled by Fisher-Price Due to Choking and Magnet Ingestion Hazards

This recall involves Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway Troublesome Truck & Crates and Troublesome Truck & Paint. The push along wooden trains are designed to look like the characters from Thomas & Friends called the Troublesome Trucks. The Troublesome Truck & Crates is a black and gray train car with cargo of brown crates. The Troublesome Truck & Paint is a gray and black train car with cargo of gray paint cans and a yellow paint splatter on the side. Both train cars have faces on the front of them. The trains come with magnetic connectors to attach to other vehicles. The train cars measure approximately 3.6 inches long by 2.1 inches high. Model numbers HBJ89 (Troublesome Truck & Crates) and HBJ90 (Troublesome Truck & Paint) can be found on the bottom of the train cars. Read more.

August 17, 2021 Zen Magnets and Neoballs Magnets Recalled Due to Ingestion Hazard

This mandatory recall involves all Zen Magnets and Neoballs magnets. Zen Magnets and Neoballs are high-powered 5 mm spherical magnets. Zen Magnets were sold individually and in sets of 72, 216 with 6 spares, and 1,728 with 8 spares. Neoballs were sold individually and in sets in the following colors: silver, gold, red, orange, green, red, blue, and purple. "Zen Magnets" or "Neoballs" is printed on the packaging. Read more.