Recalls: Air Compressors
This recall involves HDX™ and Powermate® brand two-gallon electric air compressors. Each air compressor has a pair of one-gallon tanks that are stacked upon each other. The air compressors are 120-volt, have an operating pressure maximum of 100 PSI and air delivery of .4 SCFM at 90 psi. The HDX™ air compressors are gray with HDX printed in white on the top cylinder. HDX™ model number/SKU numbers include VSP0000201.HDX, VSP0000201.HDX1 and 947282, with numeric serial numbers. The model and serial numbers are printed on a sticker on the back of the top air compressor cylinder. The Powermate® air compressors are red with Powermate printed in white on the top cylinder. HDX or Powermate compressors with a letter in the serial numbers are not included. Powermate® model numbers include VSP0000201, VSP0000201.01, VSP0000201.KIT and VSP0000201.NS with numeric serial numbers. Read more.
The recalled compressors were sold under the Craftsman, EX-CELL, Porter-Cable and Pro-Air II brand names. Recalled models have air slots at the end of the motor that form a horizontal and vertical grid. The model number on each unit is located on the unit name plate on the tank. The recalled model numbers, tank size, color and manufactured date are shown below: Read more.
The recalled compressors were sold under the Craftsman, Delta Shopmaster, DeVilbiss, Husky and Porter-Cable brand names. The model number and manufacture date on each unit is located on the unit name plate on the tank. The model numbers, brands, tank size, orientation and color are shown below: Read more.
The recalled pressures washers and air compressors were sold under the following brands and model numbers: Read more.
The recall involves the Campbell Hausfeld model HU200099AV air compressor with a 20-gallon tank. The recall includes date codes ranging from January 2009 through June 2009. The model number and date code can be located on the back of the tank. Read more.
The recalled air compressors are used to provide air to divers. The recalled products include the following models: Read more.
The recall involves the 4.6 gallon, 3.5 HP Strike Force™ brand portable air compressor and includes the following model and serial numbers: Read more.
The recall involves the following Campbell Hausfeld and Husky brand air compressors: Read more.
The recalled pressure washers and air compressors were sold under the following brands and model numbers: Read more.
The mini-pancake air compressors were sold with yellow, blue, gray or silver-painted tanks. Item #2112 and "CUMMINS INDUSTRIAL TOOLS, AIR COMPRESSOR (OILESS), 110V.60Hz, 2 Gallon, Made in China" can be found on the motor housing. Read more.