Recall: Rototillers Recalled by Sears & Roper
May 8, 1984 | |
Release # 84-030 | |
New Notice To Identify And Correct Rototillers That Lock In Reverse
Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission today announced new efforts by Sears, Roebuck and Co,, and Roper Corporation to notify consumers of potential hazards associated with certain rototillers sold by them from 1963-1980. These tillers have a clutch locking button that allows the tiller to be locked in reverse. The firms have received over 20 reports of injuries, the most severe occurring when the tillers reportedly backed over users causing severe lacerations, fractures, or amputations to their legs.
Sears will place posters at various locations in its stores to inform customers of a modification kit to eliminate the clutch locking mechanism. The free kit is easy to install and is designed to allow the consumer to operate the tiller without excess hand fatigue.
The Sears effort is aimed at reaching additional consumers who have not yet received word that the kit is available. Last year, Sears and Roper Corporation, the manufacturer of the tillers, undertook an extensive public notice effort that included paid advertisements in national magazines and various farm and garden publications.
A recall effectiveness study by the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated that this notice effort had reached approximately 50 percent of the rototillers owners. The Commission has received a report that, during the past year, at least one additional consumer has been injured by one of the tillers, receiving lacerations to his leg.
Consumers with model numbers beginning with the numbers 917 can call the Roper toll-free Hotline at 800-435-5117 (in Illinois call collect l-815-937-68561, to find out if they have one of the tillers and get the free modification kit.
Consumers may get information from the CPSC toll-free Hotline at 800-638-CPSC. The teletypewriter number for the hearing impaired is (301) 595-7054.