Recalls: Powered Scooters or Skateboards
This recall involves SG-5 Swagger 5 Boost Commuter Electric Scooters sold at Walmart and Sam's Club. The electric scooters are powered by lithium-ion batteries. They were sold in black or silver colors. "SWAGGER 5" is printed in large lettering on the stem of the handlebars. The lithium-ion battery is located beneath the scooter deck. The model numbers are SWGR5-V2-SLV, SWGR5-V2-2, SG5 Boost, SG-5S, 96262-2, 96262-9, SG-5S, and 96560-2. The model numbers are affixed to the side of the scooter deck. Note: Recalled lithium-ion batteries should be disposed of in accordance with any local and state ordinances, following the procedures established by your municipal recycling center for damaged/defective/recalled lithium batteries, because these potentially hazardous batteries must be handled differently than other batteries. Do not throw this recalled battery in the trash. Do not deposit this recalled battery in used battery recycling boxes found at various retail and home improvement stores. The manufacturer, Swagtron, of South Bend, Indiana, has not been responsive to CPSC's request for information about this product or to CPSC's request for a recall. However, Walmart as the retailer has agreed to recall electric scooters that were purchased at Walmart or Sam's Club either at its stores or on its websites. Read more.
This recall involves Hover-1 Dynamo e-scooters with certain serial numbers. Only scooters with the letters "WY" as the seventh and eighth letter in the serial number are included in this recall. The serial number can be found on a label located on the underside of the scooter. The two-wheeled recalled scooters are matte black and have a kick stand and reflective lights at the front and back of the stand board. The Hover-1 logo appears on the stand board and on the bottom of the stem. Hover-1 is printed on the middle of the stem. Read more.
This recall involves certain Hover-1 Helix hoverboards. The recalled hoverboards have serial numbers containing 15914, 19203, or 19988 as the fifth code in the six-code serial number affixed to the bottom of the board. The hoverboards were sold in camouflage and galaxy colors. "Hover-1" is printed on the front of the hoverboard. The model "Hover-1 Helix" and the serial number are printed on separate labels on the bottom of the hoverboard. Read more.
This recall involves all models of Future Motion Onewheel self-balancing electric skateboards, including Onewheel (original), Onewheel+, Onewheel+ XR, Onewheel Pint, Onewheel Pint X and Onewheel GT. The model name is on the side of the skateboard. The Onewheel logo is printed on the rail of the skateboards. Read more.
This recall involves the Apollo Phantom V1, V2 and 60V Electric Scooters models. The scooter has one stem bolt that connects the stem of the scooter with the front suspension and wheel assembly. "Apollo" is printed on the stem of the scooter and "Apollo Phantom" is displayed on the rear left side of the grip tape on the deck of the scooter. "Apollo Phantom" is also listed on the bottom of the scooter with the model year. Read more.
This recall involves all 42-volt Jetson Rogue self-balancing scooters/hoverboards. The self-balancing scooters/hoverboards have two wheels with light up hubcaps and come in the following colors: black, blue, red, pink, and purple with a black platform. Jetson is printed on one side of the body and on the top of the footpads. Affected units were manufactured from 2018 through 2019 and have a UL certification label and serial number on the bottom of the unit. Affected units do not have a barcode on the bottom of the unit. Units with a barcode next to the serial number are not included in this recall. The charge port on affected units has three pins and is located to the left of the power button. Units with a charge port that has just one pin and is located to the right of the power button are not included in this recall. Read more.
This recall involves the Linus Bike Cesta 500 and Ero 500 electric bicycles. The serial number can be found on the underside of the frame near the chain ring. The brand name "Linus" is printed on the frame of the bicycle. The recalled bicycles have one of the following serial numbers. Product Name Serial Number Ero500/Cesta500 LXD20100231-LXD20100420 Ero500/Cesta500 LXD20100686- LXD20100830 Ero500/Cesta500 LXD20100956- LXD20101060 Read more.
This recall involves model year 2020 Hover-1 Superfly Hoverboards model H1-SPFY. They were sold in black only with blue LED lights on the hoverboard deck near the foot pads. Hover-1 is written on the front of the hoverboard. Recalled hoverboards have a serial number on the bottom of the hoverboard beginning with SPFY-BLK-GO-2008, SPFY-BLK-GO-2009 or SPFY-BLK-GO-2010. A warning label can be found on the bottom of the hoverboard next to the serial number. The warning label, at the bottom right, states "H1-SPFY." Read more.
This recall involves all models of the Schwinn Tone Electric Scooter. That includes the Tone 1, Tone 2 and Tone 3 models. The scooters come in black or white and have a "T" handlebar and an approximately two-foot-long board. The e-scooter's serial number is located on the bottom of the board. Read more.
This recall involves the Vecaro brand Glide65, Drift8, and Trek10 self-balancing scooter, commonly referred to as hoverboards. Hoverboards have one wheel at each end of a platform and are powered by lithium-ion battery packs. The boards have "Vecaro" printed on the front outer casing and come in black, white, red, blue, metallic gold, metallic silver, graffiti white print, and red flame print. The model number is on the right for both the Glide65 and Drift8. The Trek10 model number is on top of the board. Read more.