December, 1998
Gates (Safety), Babies and Kids, Baby Gates or Barriers, Nursery Equipment and Supplies
First Alert True Fit Safety Gates Recalled by BRKLights (Seasonal), Christmas Tree Lights, Furniture and Furnishings and Decorations, Indoor Lighting, Seasonal Decoration
Christmas Lights Recalled by Yang Lin Trading, Wholesale WorldHoliday Items (except lights), Furniture and Furnishings and Decorations, Seasonal Decoration
Angel Tree-Top Ornament Recalled by KmartLighters, Babies and Kids, Cigarette or Pipe Lighters, Fuel and Lighters and Fireworks, Lighters and Matches
Cigarette Lighters Recalled by American Hua Mao EnterprisesBasketball, Toy Sports, Babies and Kids, Field and Court Sports, Sports and Recreation
Toy Basketball Nets Recalled by Little Tikes, Today's Kids & Fisher-PriceFireplaces & Accessories, Gas-Burning Fireplaces, Heating and Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Home Appliances, Maintenance and Structures
Gas Fireplace Recall by MarcoCribs, Toy Infants/Cribs/Strollers, Babies and Kids, Nursery Equipment and Supplies, Play Yards
Crib Rail Toys Recalled by Summer Infant ProductsInfant Carriers/Slings/Backpacks/Car Seats, Babies and Kids, Baby Carriers, Baby Harnesses, Nursery Equipment and Supplies
Backpack Child Carriers Recalled by L.L. BeanToy Chests/Trunks, Babies and Kids, Toy Boxes or Chests, Toys
Plastic Toy Storage Chests Recalled by IRIS U.S.A.Sports Equipment & Accessories, Babies and Kids, Ice and Snow Sports, Playground Equipment, Sleds, Slides or Sliding Boards, Sports and Recreation
Icy Rider Toboggan Recalled by RubbermaidJanuary | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December