Recall: Mobile Home Furnaces Repaired by HOME
June 9, 1981 | |
Release # 81-017 | |
Carbon Monoxide Gas Hazard Prompts Repair Program For Mobile Home Furnaces
WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 9) -- A program to repair as many as 55,000 liquid propane and natural gas furnaces used in mobile homes is being conducted by the manufacturer because the furnaces may pose a risk of death or poisoning by leaking carbon monoxide gas if portions of the vent system corrode.
The repair program pertains to all model MMG "Miller"-brand gas furnaces manufactured by the HOME Division of Lear Siegler, Inc., of Holland, Michigan. The firm, in voluntary cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, has agreed to replace the flue-pipe extension within the furnaces.
Corrosion in the flue-pipe extension and vent system may permit carbon monoxide gas to be emitted into the living areas. CPSC has been informed of 19 deaths since 1969 which have been associated with carbon monoxide leakage from the MMG model furnaces.
Approximately 46,000 furnaces were manufactured from 1964 through 1971, and an additional 9,000 furnaces were converted to liquid propane or natural gas, although it is unlikely that all of the furnaces still are functional because of their age. The furnaces were sold exclusively for use in mobile homes either as original equipment or as replacement appliances.
Mobile home owners should check their gas furnaces for the presence of the "Miller" brand name on the top of the louvered door. Consumers then should identify whether they possess an MMG model by opening the door and determining whether the large vertical pipe inside is approximately five inches across (see attached drawing). If so, consumers should call the manufacturer's toll-free number at l-800-253-3874 (in Michigan, call collect at 1-616-394-4326). The firm will arrange for free installation of a new flue-pipe extension.
Consumers who are uncertain whether they own an MMG model gas furnace after inspecting the interior pipe are encouraged to contact the manufacturer's toll-free number for assistance in identifying their furnace.
CPSC also is reminding consumers that all gas furnaces require periodic inspections and maintenance by qualified personnel in order to detect such hazards as vent pipe corrosion. Consumers should contact their local heating contractor for suggestions on arranging such inspections.