Recall: Wood Baby Swing Replacement Program by Hedstrom

Originally issued April 25, 1988, Revised October 22, 2004  
Release # 88-024
Note: Firm out of business. Consumers should discard or destroy the products to prevent injuries.

Hedstrom Offers Free Replacement For Wood Baby Swing

Washington, D.C. -- In cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Hedstrom Corporation, Bedford, Pennsylvania, voluntarily replaced approximately 6,562 Hedstrom and Sears brand wooden baby swings sold nationally from April through December 1987.

Hedstrom was aware of four reported incidents in which the swings collapsed because glue failed to hold the joints between the slats and frame. One reported incident involved bruises suffered by a child in the swing.

Affected units can be identified by the model identification label located on the swing side or seat. Affected models are Hedstrom brand 4-798 and Sears brand 512.70907.

Consumers should immediately discontinue using this swing and discard or destroy it. The firm is out of business and a remedy is no longer available.

To report a consumer product hazard, consumers may call the CPSC toll-free Hotline on 1-800-638-CPSC. A teletypewriter number, for the hearing-impaired is (301) 595-7054.