Recall: Infantino Recalls Teething Toys Due to Choking Hazard; Sold Exclusively at Target
Description: This recall involves the Go Gaga Squeeze & Teethe Coco the Monkey teething toys. This squeaking toy is made of soft orange rubber and is shaped like a monkey. The toy measures 4.5 inches tall by 5 inches long and is intended for ages newborn and up. "Infantino" is marked on the back toward the rear and model number 206-647 is marked on the inside of the rear left leg
Name of product: Go Gaga Squeeze & Teethe Coco the Monkey
Units: About 191,000
Hazard: The tail of the monkey can pose a choking hazard to young children.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately take the recalled products away from infants and contact Infantino to receive a free replacement toy.
Recall date: February 20, 2014
Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received seven reports of infants choking or gagging on the monkey's tail. No injuries have been reported.
Sold At: Target stores nationwide and online from December 2012 through January 2014 for about $13.
Importers: Infantino LLC, of San Diego, Calif.
Manufactured in: China
Consumer contact: Infantino toll-free at (888) 808-3111 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. PT Monday through Friday or online at and click on Recall Information on the home page.
Recall number: 14-109