Recalls: Yard and Garden
This recall involves gasoline-powered blowers sold under the Kawasaki brand name. Model and serial numbers are printed on the product's blower housing. Backpack blowers included in this recall have a white, translucent fuel tank. The following model blowers are included in this recall: Read more.
This recall involves gasoline-powered blowers and mister dusters sold under the Maruyama brand name. Model numbers are printed on the product's recoil starter. Backpack blowers and mister dusters included in this recall have a white, translucent fuel tank. Model and serial numbers included in the recall are: Read more.
The recalled snow blowers have a LCT StormForce engine with "Sno-Tek" printed across a metal handlebar plate. Snow blowers with model numbers 920402 and 920403 and UPC codes 5105803094 and 5105803095 are included in this recall. Only snow blowers with engine model number PW1HK18650781DE-ABGOQUVE1M with serial numbers ranging from 1065H04008325A through 1065H04012104A are affected by this recall. The product model number and UPC codes are printed on a label attached to the outside of the gear box near the left wheel. Read more.
The recalled product is a Briggs & Stratton V-twin engine with the date code 100201Y. The engines can be found in the following lawn mowers: Craftsman, model 247:289810; Husqvarna, model 960460016; and Bad Boy, model BBM4826BS. The engine date code is bottom-most number located on the valve cover of the engine. The valve cover is located at the front of the engine near the oil dipstick. Read more.
The snow thrower is painted orange and black. The model number is 921020 and serial numbers range from 000101 to 001229 and are located on a label at the rear of the unit next to the right tire. The Ariens logo is placed on the front of the control panel. Read more.
The recall involves outdoor hanging lanterns labeled as "Northridge" in the Quiozel 2009 Catalog with the model number #AGNT1912K. The lantern is made of black aluminum; yellow, orange and white glass; and red, orange and beige agate stones. It is 19.5" tall and 12" diameter. The model number is located on the side of the lantern's box, on a tag attached to the lantern, on the instruction sheet and on the lantern's ceiling mount. Read more.
The recall involves Goulds, Red Jacket and Bell & Gossett Pumps used in residential applications to pump wastewater and sewage. The pumps are sky blue or red and display the brand names Goulds, Red Jacket or Bell & Gossett. These pumps were installed in new construction or as replacement pumps between December 2009 and July 2010. The models are: Read more.
This recall involves Honda snowblowers with model numbers and frame serial numbers listed below. The snowblowers are red and black. The frame serial number is located on the rear of the machine just below the engine. The name Honda and the model number are located on the side of the front scoop. Read more.
The recalled chain saws have a rear-handle activated chain brake (C-Q version) and have an orange top casing, gray base, black handle and "STIHL MS 361C" printed in an orange circle on the side of the unit. Read more.
The recalled bike handle trimmer/brushcutter has “STIHL” printed on the engine head. The model number FS 310 is located in two places, on the shaft and on the flywheel housing below the starter grip. This recall includes all units with serial numbers ranging from 27961 1030 through 27961 1119 and 27984 3607 through 27984 4556, which can be found on an adhesive label affixed to the bottom of the fuel tank and etched into the metal frame on the bottom of the engine. Read more.