Recalls: Candles
This recall involves the following Roost birch bark wrapped candles. The center of the candle is white and the sides are covered with brown birch bark. “Roost” and the item number can be found on the box. “Roost” can also be found on the warning label on the bottom of the candle. Read more.
This recall involves glitter candles in three styles. Read more.
This recall involves Gold Pine Cone Candles (set of three), Item Numbers 1240 and R1240. The item number is located on the product’s packaging. The set includes three candles of different sizes that sit on a gold plate. Read more.
The recalled candle is 4-inches in diameter and 6-inches tall with a long wick that ties two cinnamon sticks to the top of the candle. The candle is brown and cream in color. The item number (CS406BR) and "CinnSpc Cndl 4x6 Brown $19.99," and "Made in Thailand" are printed on the label on the bottom of the candle. Read more.
This recall involves the Vivre Royale Pine Cone Candle, Item Number 41419. The item number is located on the packaging of the product. The warning label on the bottom of the packaging states, "Made in China. Royal Products Inc." The candle is shaped like a pine cone. The candle wax is purple inside and the coating on the outside of the candle is brown and gold. There are small clear beads all over the outside of the candle. Read more.
The recalled gel candles came in the Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream set, a Valentine's Day gift set. The candle has pink gel and is contained in a martini glass. The words "Tequila Rose" and "Made in China" are printed on the glass. The gift set also includes a 750 milliliters bottle of Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream liqueur. Read more.
This recall involves both the 44 count and the 36 count of Chanukah Oil Candles. The packaging is a red box with the following printed on it: "Chanukah Oil Candles With Jelled Extra Virgin Olive Oil" and "Distributed by Ahron's Judaica Item # OCCL-25/44." Read more.
This recall involves Everlasting Jelly candles. Models include Champagne Glass with Heart, Model #502; Large Oval Bowl with Sand & Shells, Model #109-XL; Tumbler with Sand & Shells, Model #101-S; Round Shape with Curly Top and Red Roses, Model #506; Round Shape with Penguins, Model #604; Tumbler with Blue Roses & Leaves, Model #805-11; and Round Shape with Two Butterflies, Model #806-8. The candles were sold in clear glass containers of various sizes with a smaller glass of gel in the middle of the candle. Read more.
This recall involves all scents and colors of Mason Jar Candles in 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0 oz. sizes. The size of the candle is specified on the label at the bottom of the jar, on the last line of the label. Replacement Mason Jar Candles, which are not included in the recall, have a "Q" on either side of the label. Read more.
The recalled tea lights were sold as part of the three-piece Glass Candle Holders with Tea Lights Set, item number S106 in the Sally Foster catalog and Web site. The product's packaging was marked "Votive Holders with Tealights-Set of 3" and "Item Number 2006 157." Only the white tea light candles with clear plastic shells are affected. Products delivered after December 8, 2006 included tea lights with metal shells and are not included in this recall. The glass candle holders sold with these tea lights are not subject to the recall and consumers may continue to use them. Read more.